..."Truth exists: only lies are invented" - 2003 A quick intro to this image. It contains various "roots"!
I originally built this big mouth piece during one of my usual "doodling-about"
sessions but it ended up being a sort of reactionary warning to myself
of the events that were happening at this time – 2003. The invasion
of Iraq was imminent and we were getting so many conflicting reports
on the so-called WMD but no one had any definitive proof - one way
or the other. Also – the machinations and workings of the “mouthpiece”
are usually invisible so I decided to add the wording “Beware of the
Dogma” on the sign. Strangely, it's a phrase I'd used on a series
that I produced back in 1991 during the first Gulf War but the words
seemed even more appropriate now....be careful who you believe as
everyone is pushing their own point of view. Truth exists: only lies are invented. 2.6.06 |
... .."Truth exists: only lies are invented" (George Braque 1882 - 1963).......2003. - some of the detail at 50% resolution